COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It is typically caused by inhaled irritants such as tobacco smoke. It is a chronic inflammation of the airways, lung tissue, and pulmonary blood vessels. It limits air flow and is irreversible. The inflammation causes excess mucus production. This results in chronic cough, dyspnea, and wheezing. The inflammation response is caused by a grouping of cells in the airways from neutrophils, T-lmyphocytes, and other inflammatory cells that trigger…
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is composed of two related diseases, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. He is likely to have a chronic or recurrent productive cough that is over three months to two successive years. He will experience shortness of breath on exertion, sputum production and frequently develop hypoxemia, which could lead to cyanosis.…
Provides 3-4 consequences of COPD from the first column. Information is mostly scientifically sound, thorough, necessary and sufficient.…
The World Health Organisation (WHO) (2013) defines COPD as a lung disease interfering with air flow to the lungs due to a chronic obstruction therefore; normal breathing pattern is not maintained and the adverse affects of COPD are not fully reversible.…
D.Z., a 65-year-old man, is admitted to a medical floor for exacerbation of his chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; emphysema). He has a past medical history of hypertension, which has been well controlled by Enalapril (Vasotec) for the past 6 years. He has had pneumonia yearly for the past 3 years, and has been a 2-pack-a-day smoker for 38 years. He appears as a cachectic man who is experiencing difficulty breathing at rest. He reports cough productive of thick yellow-green sputum. D.Z. seems irritable and anxious; he complains of sleeping poorly and states that lately feels tired most of the time. His vital signs (VS) are 162/84, 124, 36, 102 F, SaO2 88%. His admitting diagnosis is an acute exacerbation of chronic emphysema.…
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) refers to a group of lung diseases that block airflow and make breathing difficult. The two main factors that cause COPD are emphysema and chronic bronchitis. “In emphysema, the walls between many of the air sacs are damaged. As a result, the air sacs lose their shape and become floppy. This damage also can destroy the walls of the air sacs, leading to fewer and larger air sacs instead of many tiny ones. If this happens, the amount of gas exchange in the lungs is reduced. In chronic bronchitis, the lining of the airways is constantly irritated and inflamed. This causes the lining to thicken. Lots of thick mucus forms in the airways, making it hard to breathe. (What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?)”. Patients with COPD are diagnosed by a physical examination, chest radiograph, pulmonary function test, blood gas analysis CT scan and arterial blood gases (Huether and McCance, Pg. 683 and 684). Treatment of COPD includes the use of inhaled anticholinergic, beta agonist, and corticosteroids. Pulmonary therapy, improved nutrition and breathing techniques can improve symptoms. If those treatments fail, then oxygen therapy must be started to ensure the patient is not hypoxic.…
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease with no cure. COPD causes the lung to deteriorate which prevents breathing. People with this disease have cough, shortness of breath, damaged airways, chest infections and pain. These symptoms impair patients’ mobility and contribute to be housebound. Patients with COPD tolerate the burden of this disease for many years (6 years)6.…
The case study presents the outcome of smoking that resulted to RS’ chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. His ABGs’ show partially compensated respiratory acidosis as manifested by decreased pH, increased PaCO2, decreased PaO2 and increased HCO3. RS most likely has the following clinical findings caused by COPD: enlarged right heart along with the signs and symptoms of the right-sided failure, secondary polycythemia, hypoxemia and hypercarbia. The fact that he has chronic bronchitis, his cough is productive with thick mucus, breath sounds are coarse rales and chest is tight. Expected symptoms in emphysema…
Systemic manifestations and Comorbidities of COPD It defines Comorbidities' existence of each disease entity separate addition, during the clinical course of a disease object office [1]. The presence of Comorbidities has prognostic value with respect to survival, but also compared with the functional state. As with other chronic diseases, the prevalence of Comorbidities in elderly COPD is extremely high, the severity of Comorbidities and their impact on the various health status of the patient and patient and in the same subject over time, potentially in that so influence the clinical picture and especially the results. The Cigarette smoking is the most important and best recognized risk factor for COPD, is also a major risk factor for other chronic diseases and neoplasm [2]. Comorbidities for COPD…
“Prolonged cold weakens out resistance to infection” is a statement that’s true whether or not you’re in a weakened state of health. For those that are, for instance, people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the effects of cold can be much more severe and potentially more likely to be permanently damaging. As is explained by Liesl Osmond, regarding a study conducted regarding temperature and sufferers of COPD, “This is the first time a direct relationship has been found between the number of hours a house is warm and respiratory health status – in this case that of patients with COPD, and it would seem that this relationship is most marked for smokers.” While it should come as no surprise that smoking will effect your respiratory health, it is interesting to note that the smokers that were part of the study who suffered from COPD had better respiratory health when exposed to warmer temperatures than those who lived in buildings with below-ideal temperatures.…
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive lung disease that gradually affects a personal ability to breath. COPD is an ailment that destroys the tissues of the lungs where oxygen is exchanged which results in coughing, that produces excessive amounts of mucus, and shortness of breath caused by inflammation and stiffening of the airways. In this condition, there is an obstruction in the lungs which causes less air oxygen to reach the necessary tissues which make it more difficult to dispose of carbon dioxide. Through the progression of the disease it becomes more challenging to remain active due to shortness of breath.…
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a disease impacting the lungs, making it increasingly hard to breathe. The two main forms of COPD are chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The majority of people who suffer from COPD have a combination of both forms which leads to long-term coughing with excessive mucus and progressive lung damage.…
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or also known as Chronic Bronchitis or Emphysema is a disease that happens in the lungs of people who smoke. It blocks the airflow to the lungs with black tar / black carbon. Some symptoms are excessive coughing and continuously out of breath. To ease the symptoms you could you use inhalers, steroids, antibiotics or just more oxygen. This disease will slowly kill you because it affects your respiratory system therefore making it a long and agonising suffocation. COPD is an incurable disease.…
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, is a Chronic and progressive illness that affects a person’s ability to breath. The affects to breathing occur due to obstructive airways caused by production of mucous from continuous inflammation and by constrictive airways caused by the narrowing of the bronchial tubes from spasms, scar tissue, reactive airways, infections of the lung, and the continuous response to irritating substances within the environment. Pollution, smoking, and other irritating substances cause the negative and damaging cascade of events that follow.…
The patient’s lab values indicate a slight rise in CO2 (Bicarbs). CO2 levels often affects the kidney and lung functions. In a COPD patient, breathing pattern are commonly impaired, which causes the body to retain more CO2 and become acidic. When the body becomes more acidic, bicarbonates are increased as a buffer to compensate. Breathing disorders may be a sign of higher than normal levels of CO2 (Bicarbs).…