Carmen Torres Prof. Tracy Herman
POL 110: US Government
May 18, 2014
This paper will illustrate what is the meaning of federalism and what it does for us. I will talk about how it helps our political system and if it does us any good. How has federalism changed the behavior to our American society? Does federalism affect us or does it help us see a better political view? Things like this is something I would be covering in my paper. Everything you need to know about federalism I would be talking about it in this paper.
Federalism, what does federalism mean to you? Federalism is a political system that helps the government maintain independence for everyone. This means that the government has used a new way to help out the government to handle the independence and to set a good federation for the people. Federalism to me is to help out the people maintain a good set of rules and not have the government handle all the rules for the people. They need to let the people know that others, other than the government, are out there to help them and protect them of their rights. American federalism was created on 1787 when the constitution was made. They did not want the confederal or the unitary models for the government that is when they chose to go with federalism. If they would have chosen the cofederal it would mean that the member states would be the ones to make up for the union which would be for the respective states and not the government. If the unitary models would have been chosen that would mean that government would be sovereign to states. But they chose federalism because, the people get to keep their sovereignty and the power is divided to the government and some to the states. American federalism is a dynamic, multi-dimensional process that has economic, administrative, and political aspects as well as constitutional ones. Today Federalism is still on and it is
References: Yale Law Journal. Apr2014, Vol. 123 Issue 6, p1996-2043. 48p Political Quarterly. Jul-Sep2012, Vol. 83 Issue 3, p541-550. 10p. Political Studies Review. Sep2012, Vol. 10 Issue 3, p431-432. 2p. Journal of Urban Affairs. 2000, Vol. 22 Issue 1, p65. 20p.