As noted by Bélanger (2007, p.1), social revitalisation will take place because these spaces will become more desirable to the people because more number of people are coming to occupy this area which is therefore reviving the area further. A disadvantage to the gentrification process is the fact that all neighbourhoods that are currently occupied by a low income group are being threatened by gentrification taking place. Some disadvantages to this are the fact that cost of rent increases rapidly, the original culture of the area sometimes is lost and sometimes there are even public health problems caused by gentrification. (, 2014)
Adaptive Reuse of Heritage Buildings
Adaptive reuse helps create a balance between new and the old. There are two ways of having an adaptive reuse …show more content…
As case histories show, reuse of old buildings can provide employment and revitalize decayed areas, but there are stumbling blocks.” In his book Darley talks about how outside areas that are designated historical sites and buildings with important architectural features, there are many buildings that have a pleasant architectural appeal and have the potential of being reused. “Permission for demolition should be withheld if the existing building has further useful life and the proposed development would not result in significant planning gain.” (Department of Environment, Dobry report, 1975) Another study in the United States of America, in 1978, showed that with so many empty usable buildings and the decline of small companies and work spaces, the only solution is adaptive reuse of these buildings for its use as employment generators for commercial space for small enterprises. (Worthington and Ely, 1978, p.167) Also conservation of old buildings in itself is an employment generator for skilled workers. By reusing these structures, the areas in which they are located also gets a chance to become more lively and creates attraction for more people to move into such structures. (Darley, 1978,