Course: POL101
One of the key processes of the world economy at the turn of XX-XXI centuries is progressing globalization, i.e. a qualitatively new stage in the development of the internationalization of economic life. Ambiguous attitude towards globalization, and sometimes diametrically opposed. Some see it as a threat to the world economy, and other means of further progress. But to begin to talk about the positive and negative features of globalization, the first thing we should do is to understand what globalization is? What are its main characteristics? How it manifests itself in the modern world?
Thus globalization is the process of global economic, political, cultural and religious integration and unification.
Characteristic features of globalization in the world today are the following:
Strengthening the role of TNCs
Transnational Companies (TNC) are business enterprises operating in two or more countries, and in operations which contain certain foreign component. Typically, TNCs are national by its capital and international by its place of the application. Currently, 80 % of new technologies are TNCs incomes which in some cases exceed the gross national income of rather large individual countries. Today, it is the owners and developers of such technologies and control the financial markets determine the shape of the world economy.
Creating a computer network
Internet - a global computer network, which enables:
Instantly get in touch with anyone at any point of the globe, to conduct online conferences, meetings in real-time multimedia mode, receive access to an unlimited amount of information, communicate with any reference groups and representatives of various elites, thus eliminating the factor status distinctions, be used as a means of recreation and entertainment, act as a teaching tool, exercise of doing business, advertise goods and services, provide mobile communication and
References: 1) Nuhovich ES, Smitienko BM, Eskindirov MA “The world economy at the turn of XX-XXI centuries.” (Moscow: Infra-M , 1995 ) p.327 2) Eugene Romm “Economic definition of globalization.” Available at [Accessed on 10 December 2013] 3 )Viktor Kuvaldin “Globalization - the bright future of mankind ?” (Nezavisimaya Gazeta . 2000 . № 10.) p.41 4) Korolev JS “Global Economy: Trends 90s “ ( Moscow: Nauka , 1999) p.219 5) Alan A.Teyt “Globalization - Threat or Opportunity for Europe?” . Available at [Accessed on 7 December 2013] 6) Anthony Giddens “Globalization of social processes in the modern world”. Available at [Accessed on 9 December 2013] 7) Bessarabova IS “GLOBALIZATION IN THE MODERN WORLD (linguistic aspects)” Available at Verified: 18.03.2009 [Accessed on 11 December 2013] 8) [Accessed on 7 December 2013]