Psycho (1960), is a vehement statement on American dream that turned to a nightmare. Hitchcock is trying to drive home the truth that physical visions is always only partial and our perceptions can be deceptive. That is why Hitchcock’s insistence of his ideology from the opening shot on staring eyes that become finally empty, blank and dead (Spoto 314). Hitchcock also proclaims that facile components can play us false. In Dial M for Murder (1954) also we can see a man’s attempt to be rich and prosper by any means. He skilfully contrives his wife’s murder and he tries to accomplish it with a hired murderer. Husband himself masterminds the whole situation to achieve his wife’s money through unlawful means. He also chases an American dream but without success. In Rear Window (1954) Lars Thorwald (Raymond Burr), a travelling salesman and the supposed murderer epitomizes both the belief in the economic transaction and the conviction in the movement that modernity brings. It is evident from his frustration that stems directly from his position in the economic hierarchy not as a giant as his physique suggest but as a mere salesman, aspiring to
Psycho (1960), is a vehement statement on American dream that turned to a nightmare. Hitchcock is trying to drive home the truth that physical visions is always only partial and our perceptions can be deceptive. That is why Hitchcock’s insistence of his ideology from the opening shot on staring eyes that become finally empty, blank and dead (Spoto 314). Hitchcock also proclaims that facile components can play us false. In Dial M for Murder (1954) also we can see a man’s attempt to be rich and prosper by any means. He skilfully contrives his wife’s murder and he tries to accomplish it with a hired murderer. Husband himself masterminds the whole situation to achieve his wife’s money through unlawful means. He also chases an American dream but without success. In Rear Window (1954) Lars Thorwald (Raymond Burr), a travelling salesman and the supposed murderer epitomizes both the belief in the economic transaction and the conviction in the movement that modernity brings. It is evident from his frustration that stems directly from his position in the economic hierarchy not as a giant as his physique suggest but as a mere salesman, aspiring to