“Among their cities is the great city of Knossos, where Minos reigned when nine years old, he that held converse with great Zeus.” (Odyssey).Minos, a great and mighty king who ruled the island of Crete was the son of the greek god Zeus and a mortal Europa. According to greek mythology he created a palace called “Knossos” with a help of an athenian architect, mathematician named Daedalus. Knossos was so cleverly constructed that if you entered once you would not be able to leave without directions.
“Among their cities is the great city of Knossos, where Minos reigned when nine years old, he that held converse with great Zeus.” (Odyssey).Minos, a great and mighty king who ruled the island of Crete was the son of the greek god Zeus and a mortal Europa. According to greek mythology he created a palace called “Knossos” with a help of an athenian architect, mathematician named Daedalus. Knossos was so cleverly constructed that if you entered once you would not be able to leave without directions.