Ms. James
History 10-7
11 May 2012
Past Cultures and Their Influences Most people don’t think much about the ancient civilizations that lived all over the world where current cities and towns have been established. Some day in the future, people in a history class might be studying about the past (like they are supposed to) and learn about this time period and how the people now contributed to their present day life. Without the ancient civilizations, we would not be anywhere near as advanced as we are now. The ancient cultures left behind architecture, religions, tools, and even writings and drawings. Their customs are remembered, discovered, and guessed at by archaeologists today. Just as our cultures today have similarities and differences, the cultures of the past did too. The people of the Indus River Valley, the Minoans, and the Vikings all had some things similar between them, but more things that were different. Some of their differences and similarities include geography, lifestyle, government, religious views, trade and agriculture, and the end of their civilizations. They all also have some major influences on our civilization today.
Geography was, and is, a very important part of civilization. Geography is important to our civilizations today for building, location, and transportation. Back in 2500-1500 BCE, when the Indus River Valley tribe lived, they built all of their towns on the Indus River. Water was a source of life. A lake could be a place to do laundry, to take a bath, and to drink out of. It was also important because it meant that the ground around it was well watered and great for growing crops. The Indus people lived on what is called the Indian sub-continent since that stretch of land juts out from the country of India. They had natural boundaries such as mountains, rivers, and dry plains like deserts.
The Minoans lived on the island of Crete, possibly one of the biggest islands in the Mediterranean Sea.
Bibliography: "Indus Valley." History. 2002. 03 May 2012. <>. Kenoyer, Jonathan Mark. "Indus Civilization Trade and Exchange." The Ancient Indus Valley and the British Raj in India and Pakistan. 11 Sept. 1996. 03 May 2012. <>. Koeller, David. "Vikings Raid European Mainland." Viking Raids: 800-900. 2001. 03 May 2012. <>. Lewis, Brenda Ralph. "Jorvik: The Viking City of York." Your Guide to Historic Britain. 2005. 03 May 2012. <>.