A clear definition of Strategy is the “art of distributing and applying military means to fulfill the ends of policy.” Military coercion is seen as a military means that will enable a the use of threatened force, this may include the limited use of actual force in order to back up the threat or to induce an adversary to act in a certain way . Thomas Schelling argues that both compellence and deterrence are fundamental to what he terms “the diplomacy of violence” this being the art of coercion and intimidation. Compellence focuses on the methods of making an adversary take action to do something not originally planned. This was supported by Schelling, a ‘…threat intended to keep him from starting something’ . Conversely, Deterrence is outlined as focusing methods that will ultimately make the adversary not do something initially planned.
The 1962 Cuban Missile crises is a clear of example of the implementation of compellence and deterrence. President Kennedy’s strategy to establish a blockade around Cuba effectively stopped further importation of nuclear missiles. However, the US needed to consider the need to apply political and military pressures so as to remove the missiles from the country. Threats of military invasion as well as the