
What Is Nagy´s Contextual Therapy?

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What Is Nagy´s Contextual Therapy?
Contextual therapy was developed by Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy (frequently referred to as just Nagy), as a combination of family and individual psychotherapy. The model looks at individuals past and current family relationships to help the identified patient and/or family identified patient. This therapy also aims to help families by facilitating their ability to acknowledge and encourage each other’s positive contributions to the family. This integrative approach is based on the assumptions that many personal and interpersonal dilemmas benefit from interventions that enable an individual to restore homestatis.
Nagy proposed the idea that all families have a ethical system, which he conceptualized as a ledger of entitlement and indebtedness. It
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Other models focus on the pathology of certain issues but not how the actions are perceive and received from the other family members. It does not focus on the identified patient and actually seeks to celebrate each member equally. Even if the patient has a mental disorder such as schizophrenia the therapist does not adjust his/her method. As in the video “Can I call you mother” Nagy never addressed the fact that the mother was schizophrenic. He encouraged the mother’s desire to find a trade after getting well even when discourage by her son who said that one of the co-therapist said she would never be well. When asked why he encouraged her to pick a trade he said, “One can have the core of the thinking but not rely on it.” Also many models focus on the issue affecting the immediate family, contextual therapy looks the secondary family and multigenerational …show more content…

Not even with my cousins. If the brothers and sister are not talking neither are the children of these individuals. I grew up wishing I had a close relationship with my extended family. This caused me to create very close bonds with friends. I have three friends that are like my sisters, and I cherish these relationships. In the last year however, social media has facilitated a better relationship with my cousins. We text more often and we are planning a family gathering this summer. In other relationships I find that I’m forgiving to a point. After a person at work, or any other social context, crosses my invisible line I’m quick to cut them off. I believe seeing the pain of unmet expectations causes me to loss faith in expecting anything good from that particular person, which translates to I cannot

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