One will integrate many different components of the family theory; components that will be integrated are coping, relationship roles, and communication. To help patients cope it would be important to understand the patients and family's belief system. By understanding the patient and family's belief system the NP would be able to help the family and patient cope. It would also be important for the NP to recognize any beliefs that are different between the family and patient because this may cause some stress and need to use coping skills (Årestedt, Persson, & Benzein, 2014 & Tomlinson, Peden-McAlpine, & Sherman, 2012). …show more content…
It is also important for the NP to understand the role the patient plays in the family.
If the patient is a parent he/she may not be able to perform his or her roles like normal. If the patient is a child one of the parents may be relied on more than the other making their role in the family change. If a patient or family member is not able to complete their normal role in the family this may cause stress and frustration with family
Communication is a key component that needs to be considered when there is a sick family member. Initially it is important to make sure, that the family understand the illness and what can be expected with this illness. The NP may have to spend a fair amount of time educating the family about the illness and may have to explain it differently for different family members. Another important part of communication is involving all of the stakeholders, if applicable and capable (Gruenewald, Gabriel, Rizzo, & Luhrs, 2017). By leaving a certain family member out this can create tension.
While using all of these components of the family theory it would be important for the NP to utilize negotiation skills (McLeod, Tapp, Moules, & Campbell, 2010). This would be important because there are many different coping skills, different roles, and different ways to communicate, the NP may need to mediate between family members to make sure that the goals of the patient and family are being meet. The NP also needs to remember that not all patients are the same so he/she would need to individualize treatment to each family possibly employing different components of the Family Theory.