Violent behavior among inmates and the prison staff is also a problem. Inmates tend to have attitude towards the staff because the staff holds them responsible for their crimes and expects them to follow the prison rules. Some inmates end up having relationships with the guards and the guards may let them do what they want as long as they get a cut of whatever the inmate may be doing illegally. Usually as long as an inmate gets their way then they will be friendly with the staff members. Many staff members treat the inmates with respect and the respect is returned. I believe if the staff treats the inmates with respect and not like scum because of their crime this also helps stop violent behavior.…
Stern’s (2006) book, “Creating Criminals: Prisons and People in a Market Society”, gives us the black and white truth about important topics that are not usually talked about in the media, nor acknowledged by most in American society. The author explains that she is in no way defending criminals with her literature, rather researching and informing society about the ineffectiveness of the criminal justice system and the market society. She argues that many policies go in favor towards those who have money, leaving people who don’t have money behind, which ultimately leads to creating criminals. She explains the dangers of overcrowded prisons, who are the people more likely to be imprisoned, and the role of a market society within…
The United states prisons have over 2.5 million inmates within their walls. The system has become strained with all the prisoners. There are people advocating for and against the prison system. The system has the good, the bad, and the ugly, but many people disagree on which one prevails.…
This causes many problems in different areas of the management system such as: food, sanitation, and security. According to Schultz, "An inmate survey published in 2008 stated that inmates at private facilities reported poorer sanitation conditions and food services than inmates at public facilities" (15). Critics describe the food quality and human living conditions very poorly compared to public prisons. It is fair to expect a different life in prison, but at least inmates should be able to live in healthy and appropriate conditions.…
These issues are having an effect on the government and U.S citizens. Overcrowding is among the most controversial issues in America’s prisons. Barden wrote, “Between 1979 and 1984, 126 new prisons were built in the United States. Yet these prisons have not met the demand for more prison space. By 1986 our prisons were operating at between 107 and 121 percent of capacity” (Barden 50). Overcrowding of prisons does not only affect the outside world, but also the prisoners inside due to increased violence resulting in many deaths. Barden said, “Prisons continue to be overcrowded to this day. In more than 40 states, courts have issued orders to reduce prison overcrowding. But the states have been slow to comply” (Barden 50). The reason for not taking action is due to the expenses that come with increasing prison space. Most states do not have the money to reduce overcrowding, especially after the recession. Violence is most likely the best known issue in prisons. The author stated, “In the old days, prisoners feared brutal guards. Now the fear permeating American prisons comes mostly from fellow convicts. Beatings, stabbings, and homosexual rapes are everyday occurrences” (Hjelemeland 52). Violence leads to deaths and suicides in many of America’s prisons which also affect those convicts’ families. Another fact Andy wrote was, “Overcrowding is a major factor in…
Therefore many correctional officers do not last long and quit or they get burned out after months of forced overtime and earning poor wages. (Reid, 2015) One of the key contribution factors for most poor prison condition is overcrowding. (Reid, 2015) I also discovered during my research that is the reason for many poor prison conditions around the world (Carlson & Garrett, 2008) Prison that is overcrowded inmate complains these poor conditions as well.…
The United States Prison System has been around for hundreds of years. They house some of the United States’ worst people. This would include individuals convicted of crimes such as murder to the lowest crime of petit theft. Since the attacks on September 11, 2001, the U.S. has put the spotlight on terrorism worldwide. Most people in society do not realize that the U.S. Prison System could be one of the biggest breeding grounds for terrorism and terrorism recruiting. In addition to that, the introduction of contraband has been an ongoing battle.…
From the mid-1980s drug offenses increased primarily due to the pressure put on by the war on drugs (Neubauer & Fradella, 2014). This has contributed to overcrowding of prisons across America. In order to ease the overcrowding in prisons, rehabilitation through court sentenced drug treatment programs is a practical and economical alternative. Assigning offenders to applicable drug treatment programs would decrease overcrowding caused by drug offenses, lower recidivism rates, and provide savings for the criminal justice system.…
Prison cells are far beyond just grimey, but often completely unsanitary: covered in urine, feces, and even vomit. Prison food often leads to nutrient deficiencies and is often described as utterly foul. Inmates on bad behavior are put on nutraloaf, a cruelly disgusting food used as punishment for days or months at a time. Prison life is also difficult because the guards are very rarely rebuked for being hostile to the inmates and incomprehensive to their needs or complaints. This negligence is made even more dangerous because of the threat of some potentially dangerous inmates. Prisons and jails, inevitably is a place where people have violent backgrounds and tendencies. In jail there are a spectrum of people there, from people who have done unforgivable actions to those who may have committed crimes out of necessity, to those who may have been incorrectly convicted. The negligence of guards coupled with this spectrum of people, in such unpleasant living conditions create a powerfully terrible and dangerous situation to be in. People have been stabbed, beaten, raped, and even learn how to become better crime, in a facility with the purpose of preventing people from evil actions. The United States has a recidivism rate of nearly 77%. The current dangerous and unwelcoming state of United States prisons have very evidently failed as correctional…
Incarcerated Person: can cause psychological damage, when more prisoners are crammed into smaller areas. Prisoners become frustrated and angry when they do not receive their fare share of resources in their prison. it can cause anti-social behaviour, stress, anxiety and suffer panic attacks that can lead to more violence…
When society hears the words “convict” or “felon”, thoughts often take a negative route. Most of society would not want to affiliate themselves with an ex-inmate because of the stigma. People affiliate ex-inmates with people who will not better themselves, who will not gain proper employment, and who will end up back in prison. Negative thoughts on such a topic are natural since it is true in the United States; most individuals in prison will reoffend and find themselves back in prison. With prisons in the United States becoming over populated, should there be different efforts adopted by more facilities to help individuals become functioning members of society?…
Overcrowding in prisons is one of the biggest challenges facing the American criminal justice system today. The total population of prisons and jails in the United States neared the 2.1 million mark in June 2003, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). The Bureau of Justice Statistics reported incarceration rates of state and federal prisoners continued to rise. At midyear 2003, the number of sentenced inmates was 480 per 100,000 U.S. residents, up from 476 per 100,000 on December 31, 2002. There were 238 jail inmates for every 100,000 on June 30, 2003. Overall, one out of every 140 U.S residents was incarcerated in prison or in jail. During the late 1980’s and early 1990’s state and local governments got tougher on crime by passing legislation calling for mandatory sentences for repeat offenders, such as California’s “three strikes you’re out” law and New York and other cities adopted the “Broken Windows” strategy that called for the arrest and prosecution of all crimes large and small. Because of these polices the number of violent crimes has dropped. Unfortunately, one unintended consequence of America’s new tough stance on crime is that our prison system has become dangerously overcrowded, forcing prison officials to release violent criminals after serving only a fraction of their sentences. The current system used to relieve overcrowding has created a “revolving door” criminal justice system. The recidivism rate among those released early from state and county prisons is extremely high. In fact, a Department of Justice study found that 67.5 percent of criminals released from prison were rearrested for a felony or serious misdemeanor within three years (USDOJ, 2013). A Large portion of the overcrowded conditions in the prison system is a result of the” war on drugs”. This war alone costs taxpayers a large amount of money each year because new prisons are needed to be constructed to house the ever-growing…
One of the chief factors contributing to the ‘crisis’ in prison is the overcrowding of prisoners. Indeterminate sentences and increased use of long determinate sentences are key drivers behind the near doubling of prison numbers; almost doubling from 1993 9% to 2014 17%. Bromley Briefing Prison Factfile (2015) reveals cost of our ‘addiction to imprisonment’ in wasted time, money and lives. High security prisons are not filled to capacity, whereas local prisons are concentrated with overcrowding. The majority of these prisoners in local prisons are that of on remand and short term sentences. In October 2006, 62% of prisons were overcrowded, 12 prisons containing more than half as many as they should (Cavadino and Dignan, p.17). As a result of…
The prison system in the united states has some very serious problems, some of these being the sheer number of people that we incarcerate in this country the highest percentage in the world. The incarceration rate impacts racial minorities much more that the percent of the population that these minorities make up in the population. Also the sheer cost of the mass incarceration costs taxpayers in the United states is huge. But looking at these problems for a sociological perspective can help you understand them better.…
Beyond life-preserving and preventative measures, there's a simple need for general checkups and simple health solutions. Due to the enclosed environment that they're a part of basic amenities that inmates are a part of they lack basic necessities that most citizens utilize such as over-the-counter medication. General healthcare accessibility is a key requirement for inmates, without them things like migraines or the flu can progress into more serious problems. That migraine can lead to irritability which may lead the inmate to act in a manner that's disruptive effectively stalling his rate of rehabilitation, the man who wasn't able to see a healthcare professional for his flu could develop pneumonia and either require costly emergency treatments to preserve his life or worse, the inmate may lose his life when a simple low-cost appointment could have prevented…