Abnormal psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with psychopathology and abnormal behavior. The term covers a broad range of disorders, from depression to obsession-compulsion to sexual deviation. Counselors, clinical psychologists and psychotherapists often work directly in this field.
Behavioral psychology is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. Behaviorists believe that our responses to environmental stimuli shape our behaviors.
Biopsychology is a branch of psychology that analyzes how the brain and neurotransmitters influence our behaviors, thoughts and feelings. This field can be thought of as a combination of basic psychology and neuroscience.
Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology that studies mental processes including how people think, perceive, remember and learn. As part of the larger field of cognitive science, this branch of psychology is related to other disciplines including neuroscience, philosophy and linguistics.
Comparative psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the study of animal behavior. The study of animal behavior can lead to a deeper and broader understanding of human psychology.
Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology that studies mental processes including how
References: Branches of Psychology Retrieved June 9th 2013 from http://psychology.about.com/od/branchesofpsycholog1/tp/branches-of-psychology.htm What is psychology Retrieved June 9th 2013 from http://www.whatispsychology.org