Basic Science – Gather knowledge, uncover facts, and develop theories, systematic and objective methods. The main goal is to gather knowledge. E.g. Why we forget things?
Applied Science – Use facts and theories to solve problems. E.g. The science behind what makes workers happy and productive.
Biopsychology – The biological bases of behavior and mental processes. How the way the brain works affects psychology phenomenons.
Experimental psychology – Experimental psychologists study sensation, perception, learning, memory, and performance.
Cognitive psychology – Higher mental processes. Information processes. They study how you perceive thinngs, how you solve problems, how you remember things.
Developmental psychology – Changes in behavior and mental processes throughout the lifespan. (Womb to Tomb). E.g. How does a 3 year old process information vs. a 25 year old.
Personality psychology – Characteristics and traits. Enduring individual differences. Pessimistic vs. optimistic people.
Clinical psychology – Has to do with diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders. Depression, schizophrenia, anxiety.
Health psychology – Influence of behavior and mental processes on physical health. E.g. How stress affects the immune system.
Social psychology – How people are influenced by, think about, and relate to others. The presence of people will affect your behavior.
Cross cultural psychology – similarities and differences in psychological functioning across cultures and ethnic groups.
Industrial/organizational psychology – Human relations and performance in the workplace and other organizations.
Educational psychology – Learning and teaching.