M1: Choose 2 perspectives and extend your explanations to access them. i.e. look at all the factors in detail and assess how useful they are to study human behaviour.
In this essay I will be talking about the 6 perspectives which are; social learning theory, behaviourism theory, biological theory, psychodynamic theory, cognitive theory and humanism. I will be talking about the theorists involved with psychology and the tests they done to prove their theories.
Psychology is the study of the human mind, its functions and behaviour. It tries to explain the way we act and the way we are. The behaviourism theory is primarily concerned with observable behaviour, as opposed to internal events like thinking and emotion. The social learning theory is where an individual is introduced to other individuals which may have different actions and behaviour which the individual may learn off. The biological theory is where theorists believe that emotions and actions are passed through genetics and they look at the way an individual’s parents and grandparents to see if the behaviour and actions are the same within the family or not. The psychodynamic theory is the human functioning based on the interaction of drives and forces within the individual. The cognitive theory is the concept that if we want to know what makes an individual react to an object we learn the internal process of their mind. The humanism psychology looks at human experience the viewpoint of the individual.
The theorists that studied this theory are; B.F.Skinner, Ivan Pavlov and John.B.Watson, all of these theorists studied it in different ways. http://psychology.about.com/od/classicpsychologystudies/a/little-albert-experiment.htm The Behaviourist Theory.
The first theorist I am going to talk about is Ivan Pavlov. His experiment was based around the dog’s digestive system. He noticed that dogs salivate when dogs see food and that this reaction is ‘hard wired’ into the