In this task I shall be creating a fact sheet that identifies the career of my choice and also where the sources of information were retrieved from.
Sources of information
Date of completion
I searched in Google the preferable choice of university I would like to go to and selected a choice that suited me best “Business management”. I went on the university of west minister website to find information about the courses, units and also requirements.
I had a rough idea but not, a solid choice on what course, there were many to choose from.
My findings showed that the course I would like to do fits my purpose of wanting to pursue business and why I what I would like to do in future.
11th September
I had then arranged an interview with my form tutor who helped me identify what opportunities a business degree in management would help me in she explained that there are many job roles and told me to research more into the job roles and to check the new Vic website.
I had then a broader idea to what I would be getting studying in university.
I found out that there are many opportunities in different departments of management
11th September
Even though I understood what I would be studying in university I thought I would arrange a meeting with the career advisors to see if there are other options or better courses suited towards my needs.
My findings suggested in the interview that my creative and writing skills were very good, they suggested me on looking into law as there is a law/ business management BA honour
11th September
I was not too sure about studying law as I have never thought of studying it, but I thought I would check the requirements and also check what the course is all about.