Rationale Statement
Before l came to U.K, I used to take care after my mother who was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Unfortunately she passed away and l came to reside the U.K with relatives.
I got a job as a Care Assistant at a Nursing Home and also joined a Care Agency. They would give me work in different work settings to support vulnerable adults for example in mental health hospitals or to work with the disabled. I gained experience and knowledge in health and that made me realise my strength and weakness. I decided to further my education and went on to college I did a course in Access to Healthcare (Nursing) and achieved a diploma. By doing this course l knew that l wanted to be involved in healthcare but unfortunately the opportunity of Health and Social Care came into sight. I did a background research on the course and it showed me that l will still be involved in helping people in Health and Social Care.
In hindsight l realised that from doing this course, I can be either a Healthcare Advisor or a Social Worker. This is a great opportunity for me because l will be able to choose between the two. By doing this course, l will be able to do something for the community and that l am passionate about like helping others. Furthermore l am able to learn new things from other people and share the knowledge l have with others in the community.
Word Count 249
Reflective Statement
During this course l learnt good communication skills as it is vital to communicate well with other students, lecturers and tutors. I was also taught to write e-mails to tutors in a professional way and l know this will help me in the professional future when l am writing emails or letters to people in the workplace. I learnt to listen to other students during group discussions or group presentation. By giving other people the opportunity to speak and listen to them shows respect to others that you are interested in what they are saying. This will make