When I first started out going to school after college I thought that I wanted to be a teacher and so right after high school I started going to school to be an elementary teacher. I quit school because I wanted to move out of my parent’s house and be on my own so I got a full time job. After I moved and got stable I went back to get my early elementary degree. After about a year and a half I got pregnant and had my son and couldn’t go to class in the morning after being up all night with a toddler and then to work so I quit school again until my son got older. My son was able to start school when he was two so I decided to go back to school and get my educational degree. As I was going to school I was also volunteering at my son’s school and that is when I decided I really didn’t want to be a teacher and I was undecided what I wanted to do and I knew I was wasting my money and time going to school so I quit once again. I got a job at a temp agency working for the temp sending people on assignments and after a year the company decided they were going to close the company in my location but my supervisor got me a job at Advanced Radiology Services doing data entry putting in codes in the system. After a few years I realized that I really like being in the health care field and wanted a career in it and I tried to move up doing different jobs in the field but I realized that in order to really move up and eventually become a director I would need a degree so I decided to get my degree in Healthcare Management so I went back to school, this time determined to make it work.
My Job in the Health Care sector
In the health care sector my career job is to be the Director of the billing department of a health care facility. As a director my job would be to work with a team or staff to establish and maintain the skills which are necessary for the facility. I would need to display a personal commitment and courage and in doing
References: American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management AAHAM Retrieved from http://www.aaham.org/Certification/CPATCCAT/tabid/90/Default.aspx CPAT/CCAT Frequently Asked Questions Retrieved from http://www.illinoisaaham.com/images/Technical_Certification_FAQs.pdf Edwards T, Job Description of a Health Director eHow Retrieved from http://www.ehow.com/about_5347304_job-description-health-director.html Setting goals and objectives Retrieved from http://www.time-management-guide.com/goals-and-objectives.html