Topic 1: Introduction
MGMT 1001, s2 2012
School of Management
Reflective Questions to guide this lecture
Part 1:Important things about this course 1. 2. 3. Why is this course is relevant to your degree? What should you get out of this course (apart from grades)? Focussed learning - What are the key learning outcomes? How do I achieve good grades from this course?
Part 2: What is an Organisation? 1. 2. 3. How do we finding ‘meaning’ in the various definitions of organisations? What are the characteristics of an organisation? Has organisation changed over time? How does this impact our learning of languages of organisation and management?
Why study organisations and management?
Most important selection criteria when recruiting graduates 2011
1. Interpersonal and communication skills (written and oral) 2. Passion/Knowledge of industry/Drive/Commitment/Attitude 3. Critical reasoning and analytical skills/Problem solving/Lateral thinking/Technical skills 4. Calibre of academic results 5. Work experience 6. Cultural alignment / Values fit 7. Teamwork skills 8. Emotional intelligence (incl. self-awareness, strength of character, confidence, motivation) 9. Leadership skills 10. Activities (incl. intra and extra curricular)
Source: Graduate Careers Australia Ltd (2012) Graduate Outlook 2011
Least desirable characteristics when recruiting graduates 2011 1. Poor attitude / Lack of work ethic / Approach to work 2. Lack of interpersonal and communication skills (etc.) 3. Lack of drive, motivation, enthusiasm and initiative 4. Arrogance/Selfishness/Aggression/Dominating 5. Inflexibility/Inability to accept direction (etc.) 6. Poor teamwork skills 7. Poor or inappropriate academic qualifications or results 8. Lack of commitment / High absenteeism / Lack of loyalty 9. Lack of emotional intelligence, self-awareness (etc.)
Soruce: Graduate Careers Australia Ltd (2012) Graduate Outlook 2011
What do prospective employers say?
References: 1. Clegg, S., Kornberger, M. and Pitsis, T. 2012, Managing & Organizations, Third Edition, SAGE Publications, London 2. Daft, R.L. 2004, Organization Theory and Design, Thomson South-Western, Mason OH 3. Grey, C. 2005, A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Organizations, SAGE Publications, London 4. Hatch, M.J. 2011 Organizations. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, Oxford 5. Jackson, D. 2009, “Undergraduate management education: Its place, purpose and efforts to bridge the skills gap” Journal of Management & Organization vol. 15 pp.206223 6. Kavanagh, M.H. and Drennan, L. 2008, “What skills and attributes does an accounting graduate need? Evidence from student perceptions and employer expectations” Accounting and Finance vol. 48 pp. 279-300 7. Perrone, L. and Vickers, M.H. 2003, “Life after graduation as a ‘very uncomfortable world”: an Australian case study” Education & Training vol. 45 no. 2, pp. 69-78 8. Thompson, P. and McHugh, D. 2009, Work Organizations, Palgrave Macmillan, London 13