Initially, a writer’s freedom overcoming his setbacks can be seen through his free mentality overcoming physical negatives. The beliefs of a writer, which he is able to openly embrace due to his freedom, often times make up for their lack of his physical condition. This stance is shown in one Roald Dahl’s own books, where it reads, “You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth […] but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely,”(Dahl 10). Even though one’s physical condition may not be ideal, it is their mental state that controls their true status of positivity. This can be depicted through the life of a writer, who physically may have little pay, his contention with personal freedom and being able to express his own beliefs, is what makes his life positive. Also, the freedom of a writer’s mentality allows them to have …show more content…
The freedom the lack of structure for a writer conquers the negatives they experience, by being able to express oneself. This can be seen in Dahl’s own quote, when describing a writer, he says,”He has no master except his own soul,”(Dahl). This shows that a writer does not have to follow anyone else, and he is able to whatever he feels needs to be done. This causes him to express himself much better than people with bosses and extremely structured lifestyles, because he does not have to worry about what others will think about him directly. Furthermore, the freedom that writers experience through solitude, helps attribute to the constant hope within his life. This can be shown through the fact that writers are always one best seller away from completely changing their life for the better. Because there is no set path for writers to follow, they always have the hope of a piece of literature becoming a success. Also due to the lack of structure, they have many more unconventional opportunities to create literature, through blogs, books, novels, magazines, etc. And with each new opportunity, the writer is able to have much more hope, which fuels his positivity to conquer the negatives within his lifestyle. All in all, the freedom a writer experiences overtakes his negatives by excusing his life from complete structure, thus giving him constant hope, as well