As public sector organisations are always expected to attain greaterresults and outputs with fewer resources, they are always seekingfor better ways to use these scarce resources with more economy, with greater efficiency of processes and people within their organizations, and with increased effectiveness of results in order to further their missions. Whether used alone or together with other tools such as benchmarking, activity-based management, and flexible budgeting, the operational review is the tool best used to perform an evaluation of these crucial three e's-economy, efficiency, and effectiveness.
(a) The 3Es model
The 3Es model is a tool used by managers to assess performance visa vie the inputs injected in terms of the outputs obtained. According to Coombs and Jenkins (2002) due to pressure exerted on the managers of the public sector they are forced to deliver value for money which can be defined as the achievement of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. The 3Es model components which are economy, efficiency and effectiveness are complementary in financial management of most public sectors. As postulated by Mandl U etal(2008), the value for money is only achieved when all the three elements are combined and can no longer be seen as a virtue but a necessity for public sector managers to achieve. It is therefore the prior purpose of this presentation to evaluate the 3Es model.
Management Effectiveness
Effectiveness can be explained in terms of what is achieved. It is about whether targets are met or not. Performing effectively means that the right work is being completed. Managers are responsible for making sure that this happens. If a team is working really hard but not delivering what is needed, then they are not effective. Effectiveness is measured by setting out clear objectives before work starts and then evaluating whether the objectives have been met or is valued and measured more in line with the specific goals
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