Is the American Dream worth trying to achieve? Before wondering if you can do something you have to ask yourself if it’s worth all the trouble. One of the things I’ve recently learned is that people are dumb. People only care what other people think of them and only do things to impress others. If you’re trying to do something just to impress someone else, just stop. Worry about yourself, you don’t need anyone’s approval besides your own. Is there anyone you know who has achieved the American Dream? If so, did they think it was worth all the trouble? The best way to avoid making a mistake is to look at other people’s mistakes. If you’re trying to achieve the American Dream for yourself, and it has worked out for someone you know the last question to ask is what happens if you don’t achieve it? Will you go into a deep depression …show more content…
53% of Americans don’t have a full time job. Almost everyone has some type of government assistance nowadays. In 2009 44% of people said they have achieved the American Dream. When the economy dropped that percentage went down. A lot of people lost their jobs and had to get government assistance. That is the reason people stopped believing in the American Dream. The economy has just recently started to pick up again, and right now is the perfect time to start working on achieving the dream. People who do achieve the American Dream feel a huge sense of accomplishment that really builds their self