
What Is The Difference Between Fahrenheit 451 And Technology

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What Is The Difference Between Fahrenheit 451 And Technology
Throughout human history our abilities to create new technology has been a major help in our survival. It has helped fight diseases and find better ways to survive. Nonetheless we have come to a point in our existence where we have not only developed technology to help us survive but we have become a species that is dependant on it to perform even the simplest tasks. In Ray Bradbury's book F ahrenheit 451, the author creates a dystopian like future where our society is stripped of its freedom to think and its ability to question. The essence of this plot is that by society becoming more and more reliant on technology and more oblivious to the world around us we ourselves eventually chose to become the robot like creatures depicted in the novel. …show more content…
We too have extremely large televisions that could take up a whole wall, and the “shells” used in the story resemble the ear pieces we call earbuds ,that are so important to teens that they can not leave home without them. In his novel Bradbury's writes,“The people were pounded into submission ; they did not run, they had no place to run ...”(pg.75). In other word, the people in the train are subconsciously being fed propaganda constantly by technology and do not question it because they have never known anything else besides the mentality that having more means …show more content…
If we do not make serious changes in our ways on a global scale , we are surely destined for a future like theirs ,if not worse. Our population is very sensitive, a minor disruption in everyday life can cause become a major problem very quickly seeing how fast information gets around. We Live in a world where we must detain ourselves from speaking out opinions in order to not offend people. Will this eventually escalde to the point where we have to censor everything in order to live in a harmonious environment? And is this really for the best? Additionally are population is essentially dependant on electronics.If one is not on their phone one is watching television ,or on their computer. If we continue living like we do we will eventually be virtually incapable of living without some sort of electronic in our hand and we will all become

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