The most reasonable choice for a civilization to develop in the area the Hausa-Fulani tribe developed is environment. First off, the savanna was warm throughout the year, with a rainy season during the summer. As a result to this weather having it warm with a rainy season during the summer makes this climate perfect for farming, which is very important to the Hausa-Fulani tribe. In addition, the savanna has parts that experience more rainfall and so it could support trees and grasses. Therefore, with this kind of precipitation that can support trees could support the tribe because, they could cut down the tree for housing; on the other hand, the tribe could also help prevent floods. By the same token, the savanna supports
various amounts of wildlife and plant life. Provided that, many Hausa-Fulani tribe members are practicing the pre-Islamic religion; therefore their traditions include having a close connection with wildlife and plant life. Furthermore, the Hausa-Fulani fished to support themselves. In order to fish you must be near some kind of water source; therefore civilization may develop here because of the water source they are near. Finally, Hausa-Fulani territory was predominantly wooded savanna (plains) and grasslands. Thus, having grasslands and plains was perfect to grow livestock on because; you have the resources to provide/ support the livestock in your environment. In conclusion, environment is the best responsible choice of why civilization/ the Hausa-Fulani tribe developed in this area.