The setting of the book is in a different world with a bit of magic, is wakey, and is strange. There are poems all about these things in the book.
There are some conflicts in the poems. For example, in one, a boy is selling his sister and she is crying, he is being all mean to her. In another poem, there is a man who loses his head and tries to find it, but instead is tired of standing and wants to sit, and instead of sitting on a tree stump that he thinks is there, he sits on his head. …show more content…
On page 143 of Where the Sidewalk Ends, in The Land of the Happy, the poem, everything is so cheerful. I found this since the poem uses words like jolly, happy, laughter, and smiles galore. This shows that the poem is cheerful and playful.
But, some of the author’s tones are cheerful, sad, serious, critical, and harsh. Also, on page 137-139, The Long-Haired Boy mood is gloomy and sorrowful. I know this since the poem applies words like cried, his whole body shook, screamed, fainted, heart attack, crying, and then he was gone. This presents the poem as a sad and sorrowful …show more content…
Since the book’s theme is about a world with more to it kind of shows the symbolism already; being in a different world with different things: magic and strangeness mixed with our own world: conflicts, lies, forgetfulness, stubbornness, loneliness, and happiness. Like in the poem, Homemade Boat, page 12-13, three kids make a boat, they build everything and put everything in, except the bottom of the boat: forgetfulness.
There are patterns in the way they are constructed, maybe a little. Like, in one of the poems, Me and My Giant, page 38-39, at the end of each stanza, the last verse repeats part of what the verse above it was.
In Where the Sidewalk Ends, it uses a lot of figurative language. For instance, in Thumbs, on page 68, it says “And withered, and white as the snow.” This is a simile since it's comparing 2 things using “as”, and this shows that it is wet and wrinkled. Also, In The Bagpipe Who Didn't Say No, on page 132-133, it says “Shall I crawl out of your life?” This means ‘Should I leave you?’, and it helps the character in the poem to say what he’s trying to ‘Do I need to leave?’. I don't really think it affects the book in any way. Another example is in The Farmer and the Queen, on page 32-33, there is a lot of uses of onomatopoeia. In The Farmer and the Queen, the owl says “who”, the horse says “nay” the wren says “cheap”, the dog says bow, and the sheep says “bah”.