The speaker starts off by saying, "Our brains ache." The negative nature of this statement gives one a clue as to the negative themes in the rest of the poem. One of the present themes in the poem is silence. However, the presence of silence is ironic because it is wartime, and that is a time of noise and chaos. This silence is unnerving for the war soldiers also as stated, "Worried by silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous, but nothing happens. Another theme in the poem is death. The theme of death is not surprising at first, since it is wartime and people die during war, but these people are dying because of the cold. The war in the poem is practically nonexistent. The speaker constantly talks about dying, like the time he asks, "Is it that we are dying?" Or when he says, "For love of God seems dying." Clearly, these people have no hope whatsoever. A very important theme, God, is also present in this poem.…