The human …show more content…
The creature was portrayed at first to be this horrible monster who was just evil and ugly but as we got further along in the novel we learned that there was actually more to this. The creature actually did have a lot of good in him and I genuinely believe that the creature had more good in him than evil. The creature is just like all human beings. We respond to our surroundings and that's exactly what the creature did which infers that Victor is realistically the one responsible for the actions in which the creature chooses to make in the novel. Think of it like this: A three year old is at daycare and he or she is given crackers ,but the taste just does not saify the three year olds needs. The three year old spits it out all over the plate and yells “yuck”. The three year old is not “bad” for not liking the crackers nor is he/she bad for spitting it out either. Its an instinct, a reaction to a taste in this case. Just how the three year old reacted with his instinct, so did the monster which tells us that he obviously has a soul to physically know what to do at certain particular moments. That clarified the creature’s innocence but the creature did a lot of actual good things too. Intially the creature just wanted to be loved and shown compassion just like any other normal person. If the creature did not have a soul he wouldn't feel anything. He felt the hate towards him and he knew the difference between hate and love and he obviosuly just wanted love. The novel Frankenstein stated that “All men hate the wretched; how then, must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things”.Basically the creature truly felt the the hate towards him.He knew no one liked him because of his appearance and he was desperate for compassion. Without a soul he would not truly know if he wanted to be loved or not.He probably