To begin with, Jim Jones completely eradicated so many lives, the answer to his thinking is still unknown. Jim Jones, founder of The Peoples Temple along with being a son of a KLU KLUX KLAN member has always expressed his beliefs since he was a young boy (Michael 194). In fact, in San Francisco on Geary Street, a deeply religious man opened up his first temple and presented it as a branch off of Christianity. Even though Jones established a church it didn’t give off the good persona he was hoping …show more content…
for. Jones’ secrecy aroused questions and rumors that grew every day. In the 1960s Jones relocated in Brazil that lasted for two years. Five years later Jones had over 145 cult followers in Ukiah, California (Layton 2). Undoubtedly, after demanding that all members drink a grape-flavored cyanide concoction, Jones was found dead with a gunshot that was most likely self inflicted. The Jonestown Massacre has obvious facts for it to be considered a mass suicide, but underneath it all many things are being unraveled.
Initially, Jones seemed like a very enjoyable man, but unfortunately some followers saw his darkside. “ Jones’ ability to exert control became so substantial that O’Shea recalled, ‘ The first time I met him I was convinced he could read minds, cast spells, do all kinds of powerful things, both good and evil. I was afraid of him and stayed afraid of him for seven year’” ( Latson 2 ). In addition, Jones made it mandatory for everyone to give up their passports and sign over their rights for the parents’ children or else Jones would make false accusations to anyone that would try to go against him ( Latson 1 ). Moreover, Jones forced his followers to participate in a late night activity referred to as “white nights”. As in which the followers would practice suicide ( The Peoples Temple 3). Jonestown now had American Forces headed straight for them. That night on November 18 1978, Jones assembled everyone into a massive group and ordered them to drink the poisonous punch, Jones’ wife included. Jim suddenly became frazzled with the fact that his utopia would soon be all over. His last power move would be the last action ever take. Based on the information given above, it is clearly stated how attached Jim was to his cult and he truly couldn’t handle the idea of losing authority of his twisted dream.
On the other hand, many people suggested that the entire Jonestown Massacre was a planned set up by the U.S Government or to be more specific, the CIA.
On the contrary, Daniel Martine was a life long friend of Jim Jones. He helped Jones established The Peoples Temple Church in San Francisco, soon after Martine became a torture instructor for the CIA ( Michael 194). Congressman Leo Ryan would have exposed Jonestown and the CIA for what it truly was. Since Ryan visited Jonestown, the government or agency’s work could of been made visible. They needed to dispose of nine hundred Americans to protect themselves. ( Michael 195 ). The CIA was covering something up about the Jonestown Massacre, but at the same time almost everyone had heard of Jim Jones and his socialist church. So why did they move to Guyana? Only one possible answer is correct, which was to get rid of all evidence that led back to
Jonestown. “ In another CIA connections, US Embassy Official Richard Dwyer was with Leo Ryan at the time of the airfield shooting where Ryan died, and was later confirmed to have been a CIA agent” ( Michael 195). On one of the last tape recordings, Jones expressed his concern for the CIA agent by saying “ Get Dwyer out of here!” One of Leo Ryan’s aide believed Jonestown was owned subsidiary of the CIA ( Michael 195). The CIA can be notorious for false information or just lying to the public. Their attempt to hide over nine hundred bodies could be the CIA’s breaking point. All these details point to why the Jonestown Massacre was an attempted cover up.
All in all, the CIA involvement and mass suicide are two theories surrounding the mystery behind the Jonestown Massacre. Jim Jones became very hostile over time, he made his followers endure mental and physical pain. He even took a step farther and made each person sign over personal rights. Many red flags went off during the times Jones was planning on following up on the mass suicide. The CIA tried to kill a massive group of people to cover up their problems. To conclude this horrible tragedy, both theories point out valid proof that supports the ideas that Jonestown is a murderous paradise with hidden secrets. Insanity grips people when they keep proceeding the same routine everyday with the same outcome, you will slowly see a change in your personality ( Einstein ).