The purpose of this lab is to determine the blood types of four blood samples using Anti-A and Anti-B serums.
If the anti-B serum is added to the simulated blood, the individuals with blood that is type A or type O will have no effect but it will agglutinate the individuals’ blood that is type B or AB. If the anti-A serum is added to the simulated blood, those that have blood type O and B will be unaffected but those with type AB or A will agglutinate.
• Anti-A serum • Mr. Green’s blood sample
• Anti-B serum • Ms. Jones’s blood sample
• Mr. Smith’s blood sample • Ms. Brown’s blood sample
• 4 Blood typing slides • 2 Toothpicks
1. Labelled the slides with each of the names on the …show more content…
white blood cells) that will hopefully, consume or destroy the agglutinogens before the possible viruses are able to do any major damage. The agglutinogens that were experimented on were those in different individuals blood and the students would add serums anti-A and anti-B to the well plates with two different samples of blood. The serums in this experiment represent the agglutinins that will pursue the agglutinogens and agglutinate if a foreign substance is discovered. After adding the serums, students would patiently wait for agglutination, if any were to occur and gently stir the contents of the well to help speed up agglutination. An example of this experiment being performed was with the individual named Mr. Jones that had blood type B. This means that Mr. Jones has agglutinogens for type B blood and when the anti-B serum was added, the blood sample in the well agglutinated because he has blood type B and the anti-B serum is designed to agglutinate with the blood type B. Also, the other sample of blood that was used in well A that had anti-A serum inserted into it did not form any agglutination because there is already anti-A agglutinins in the blood that react with type A blood anyway so no reaction ensued. In another example of agglutination, was with Mr. Green’s blood sample. There blood sample agglutinated with both the anti-A and …show more content…
Also, an erythrocyte has pigment haemoglobin that allows it to have its red colour. On the other hand, there are white blood cells, which are called agglutinins. These are released when the body detects a foreign body in its system and it releases these cells to destroy or consume the targeted object. There are also antibodies that are released, sometimes, agglutinins and antibodies are released by something called a B cell. This is a type of cell called a lymphocyte that releases and secretes antibodies. These are very critical to the human immune system as well as to the lymphatic system for without these B cells one of the three cells in the immune system, specifically one of the more effective ones in eliminating viruses, it now missing and leaves a vulnerable host. The B cells may seem like they are under a completely different category and this is because the two seem to be under different systems (lymphatic and circulatory) but they are very similar. When the agglutinogens on red blood cells detect a virus, they receive a signal and release agglutinins that will seek out foreign blood or substances and agglutinate. Similarly, with the B cells, when they receive a signal that there is a foreign body, it will secrete antibodies to seek the