The true key to having free and productive scientific community is acceptance of fact and problems that need to be solved. In this way, the promised scientific America is also false. The blame for this mainly falls on one main topic, climate change. Most would say this is a political issue but in a truly advanced society's fact of science would not be political. This one point proves that America is truly the most advanced scientific country. That is not to say that America is not a truly Amazing place to live in an advanced scientific community, the truth is we have the best space program, infrastructure and some of the best
The true key to having free and productive scientific community is acceptance of fact and problems that need to be solved. In this way, the promised scientific America is also false. The blame for this mainly falls on one main topic, climate change. Most would say this is a political issue but in a truly advanced society's fact of science would not be political. This one point proves that America is truly the most advanced scientific country. That is not to say that America is not a truly Amazing place to live in an advanced scientific community, the truth is we have the best space program, infrastructure and some of the best