It was even legal to take children away from their parents if they were a half caste. Aborigines could have protested with all their strength and it would have done nothing because
it was the law at the time. Who would want their children take away from them if their children have done nothing wrong? What is even more shameful? Something more shameful was the fact that the children were taken away because of something they had no control over. They were practically stolen from their parents, over something they couldn’t control; their colour.
The children had everything removed from them in a matter of seconds or minutes, everything was still there, but they just couldn’t reach it. Their identity was lost, their family, some of their friends even, their culture, and community. But why, you may ask? It was simply because they were half-castes. They had lived a life where they would hunt in the wild and sleep under the stars, but as soon as they had been taken away, they were fed different food and slept in a dorm like room with several other half-castes. Everyone had to speak English, and their own language was not allowed.
Some of the stolen generation may still suffer from the trauma they experienced from when they were younger today. If the laws didn’t exist, they wouldn’t even have experienced the unnecessary fear or other mental illnesses. That is why the stolen generation was a very shameful and unnecessary period in Australia’s history.