Willy says to Linda concerning Biff and Bill Oliver, “If he’d’ve stayed with Oliver he’d be on top by now!” (67). The only purpose this lie would have had would be to boost Willy’s and Linda’s hopes for the deal happening the next day. Willy completely ignores the reality that Biff was only a shipping clerk, and especially with his stealing of the basketballs, he wouldn’t have made it very far in the business. Willy says several lies, boasting about his reputation, to make himself feel well liked. Willy says to Ben, “Oh, sure, there’s snakes and rabbits and—that’s why I moved out here.Why, Biff can fell any one of these trees in no time! Boys! Go right over to where they’re building the apartment house and get some sand. We’re gonna rebuild the entire front stoop right now! Watch this, Ben!” (50). Willy, trying to impress Ben and make himself feel well liked, lies knowingly and he even starts to believe what he is saying. In reality, people in the city, such as Brooklyn, don’t go hunting often and Willy lies about that by saying that was the reason why he came to Brooklyn. Also, in an attempt to impress Ben, he sacrifices his children’s morality when he tells them to steal sand from the next door apartments. He doesn’t face the reality that he should be worried about raising his children to be moral rather…