I think our first attachments continue to affect us as adults because it will depend on how our parents were emotionally close to us and how the relationship was built between parent and child. I believe to be a work in progress “Secure Attachment Style” because I can absolutely relate to the “Avoidant Attachment Style”. I can say with certainty that I was the latter attachment until I met my husband and we had kids. I was the one to always pull back
if anyone would get too close. I was the one with trusting issues or skeptical about the idea of true love.
I can see some similarities between my present relationships and my attachment experiences as a child although I am consciously aware of how my own relationship with my children might affect them in the future so I make a deliberate effort to be different from my parents. I am also grateful to God that I have a great husband and father that I can count on support when it comes to raising our girls and help them make the right decisions. I still struggle with trust in regards to the people around me aside from my husband and kids. I am also sometimes apprehensive to give people the benefit of the doubt although, as I am getting older, it has become better.