
What Makes The Great Gatsby Great

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What Makes The Great Gatsby Great
What Makes “The Great Gatsby” Great?
After nearly one hundred years since its publication, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is critically acclaimed to be the Great American Novel, with millions of copies being sold annually. Fitzgerald’s pioneering material, brilliant structure, and deconstruction of the highly-sought after American Dream transforms the slim novel into a true masterpiece.The story of greed, envy, jealousy, and wealth implores readers to re-read and decipher its deeper-meanings, and serves as a worthy contender for the title of the Great American Novel. During his late twenties. Fitzgerald began writing the story of Gatsby, pouring his heart and soul into the soon-to-be masterpiece. After numerous revisions and edits,
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During the 1920s, the idea of the American Dream was immensely desired amongst the people of America. It was an idea that, through hard work and ambition, anyone and everyone could become successful in America. It occurs as a common theme throughout the novel, and is represented amongst many characters and at many varieties. The Buchanans, for instance, possess the American Dream in its material sense, but the author of an article on the topic suggests that “ they lack any purpose or vision in their lives.”(Higher Bitesize English 2). In contrast, Jimmy Gatz represents the pure American Dream. He aspired for self-improvement during his adolescence, and then looked up to a successful role model who had achieved the American Dream. He wanted to acquire the same amount of wealth that his role model Dan Cody did through his own hard work. However, the article proposes that the transition of Jimmy Gatz into Jay Gatsby is a representation of a corrupted form of the American Dream. Jay Gatsby owned a colossal mansion that hosted exuberant parties every day, and just as the Buchanans, he had achieved the American Dream in the material sense; but after further examination, readers learn that his wealth is the result of lies and corruption. (Higher Bitesize English 2). Fitzgerald transforms the idea that success could be achieved by anyone by just hard work and aspiration, to an idea that in order to become happy, one must acquire immense material wealth. At the end of the novel, Fitzgerald conveys the idea that, for some, the American Dream is completely unattainable. We can strive to become successful and wealthy just as Jimmy Gatz did, but some find that goal unreachable, and must be like Jay Gatsby and reach it in illegitimate ways. This proves that The Great Gatsby is deserving of its high

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