Throughout history, people have been trying to create an improved, fair, and equal system of justice, not only to better society in which one lives, but to also find a sense of meaning in what responsibilities people should hold within their civilizations in order to create this just way of living. As early as the Old Testament within the Bible, we see examples of how the Hebrews formed their own justice. This can be seen in the in text of the Ten Commandments which were written in a form of law. Laws were significant even in this basic form of context, such as the Ten Commandments, which offered the ideas of right and wrongdoings and the sin for violating others for one’s own benefit. This not only harmed the person but harmed the civilization as a whole where respect was considered essential during this time among each other (honor thy neighbor). Overall, the law of the Ten Commandments was considered essential to forming a better and fair society within the Hebrew system of justice. The systems of justice do not stop here. The Greeks and Romans were known for developing a justice system which laid out rules, laws, and rights for the people to follow, and even created a justice of a trial with jury in order to make sure trials were fair for the accused criminals who did not follow the justice system. Today, we take pieces of what we have learned from centuries ago to create our own form of justice in order to maintain a better society. We use this previous basic knowledge in order to shape and help uphold our own foundation towards protecting the good of our society. But what would I consider to be my own vision of how to make a better and more just society in today’s world using the knowledge that I already have? What would I do if given the opportunity to change society for the better? I know that citizens are not powerless, that we all the opportunity to try and make changes for the common good. We cannot create a future
Cited: The Just Society: Copyright © 2004 - 2008 Knowledge Based Solutions Merriam Websters Online Dictionary: Copyright 2009Merriam websteer incorp. The History Guide: Karl Marx 1818-1883 copyright © 2000 Steven Kreis Last Revised –2008 The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: John Rawls by Henry S. Richardson Copyright 2005