Hammurabi's created a babylonian …show more content…
Yet the Code of Hammurabi was significant in the fact that it was written out in a simple way with direct examples of what would happen if the illegal acts were performed and what the punishment would be. The codes also held set guidelines for what workers were paid such as those for doctors, farmers, and builders. The code gave sets of rules to follow by the Babylonians that could be used in most aspects of life to help make sure that there was a consistent system of law to solve issues and help others understand where they were in society's standings. The laws were made to equalize society for a sense of justice to protect the weaker people yet it clearly favored the men and the rich over everyone else. This created a bigger social rift in social classes and gender which continued to call for a need of one primary ruler to govern and unify those under his watch. This created the sense that the king was all powerful which people should follow and trust in him and his system. The codes made unity and security in the king's growing empire by setting a standard of morals and values to be followed while keeping class structure equil for all in an ideal