
What Role Did Women Play In The American Revolution

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What Role Did Women Play In The American Revolution
Women Role In Revolution

The American revolution was a political upheaval that took place between 1765-1783 during which colonies in the thirteen American colonies rejected the British monarchy and aristocracy, overthrown the authority of the Great Britain, and founded in United States of America.

During the war, the women would stay at home with the family and work jobs like such as being a “seamstress and a maid” as the men went off to fight the U.S. The women found themselves unable to buy food and clothing so they had to find a jobs that were not longer filled by men and since the labor force quickly saw a shortage of men, business had no choice but to hire the women. From supportive jobs like nurses, cooks and maids to more direct roles such as secret soldiers and spies, these Daughters of Liberty did more than their share to help win America’s independence.This in turn changed society by showing the world that women could do much more than cook, clean and bear children.

As women filled important roles, the thought that women were inferior to men began to change. The laws before and during the war did not recognize women as equal to
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Elite women published novels, poems, and plays. Some hosted salons where men and women gathered to discuss political issues. In New Jersey, single property owning women voted. The woman's life has changed a lot they can now do anything without a law against them. They can now work were men work and be a soldier without being talked down that they will die in this war or being forced into the war. Many people did not support this but they had to get over it because without the women fighting or helping in the war sometype of way they would have lost the war and would have been

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