Being wise with money is one of the most crucial lessons. Get a head start, and learn how to spend less on non-essentials, before adulthood. Of course, his path hasn’t been without obstacles. For example, one of his greatest challenges was building our house from the ground up. A project that stretched over three years and required many late nights after long hours at work. My father pauses for a moment, glancing at his hands, remembering the physical toll of constructing our home piece by piece. The toughest hurdle came before the first winter, as he fought to close up the house to withstand the snowy season. Yet his persistence, working through the night, paid off as his biggest accomplishment, despite the tough work. Furthermore, Gene sees failure as a path to improvement, each one providing a lesson on making different choices moving forward. He believes that life is a never-ending process of learning and that no matter what age someone may be, they are always failing, and always learning. Seeing life as a continuous path of growth has helped keep his mind strong through his failures in life. A large part of his growth stemmed from certain
Being wise with money is one of the most crucial lessons. Get a head start, and learn how to spend less on non-essentials, before adulthood. Of course, his path hasn’t been without obstacles. For example, one of his greatest challenges was building our house from the ground up. A project that stretched over three years and required many late nights after long hours at work. My father pauses for a moment, glancing at his hands, remembering the physical toll of constructing our home piece by piece. The toughest hurdle came before the first winter, as he fought to close up the house to withstand the snowy season. Yet his persistence, working through the night, paid off as his biggest accomplishment, despite the tough work. Furthermore, Gene sees failure as a path to improvement, each one providing a lesson on making different choices moving forward. He believes that life is a never-ending process of learning and that no matter what age someone may be, they are always failing, and always learning. Seeing life as a continuous path of growth has helped keep his mind strong through his failures in life. A large part of his growth stemmed from certain