
What Is Success

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What Is Success
What Is Success?

Success means achievement, accomplishment, victory, and triumph. The dictionary states that success is “The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted; the gaining of fame or prosperity” (The n.pag.) and “The favorable or prosperous termination of anything attempted; the attainment of a proposed object; prosperous issue” (Hypertext Webster Gateway n.pag.). These are just dictionary definitions though. One needs examples and instances in order to fully understand the meaning of success.

Over the years, many people have viewed success as the gaining of fame and fortune. While this is true, success encompasses all kinds of prosperity. Fame and fortune is just one form. The reason why most people view fame and fortune as the prototype of success is because these two things usually come to people who have worked long and hard. For the most part, in order to be and feel successful, one needs to have worked at it. Here is a quote that stood out to me about success, “Behind every successful man there's a lot of unsuccessful years”. What this quote is stating is that on your road to success your going to have to face adversity and what adversity is, is basically your will being tested on how bad you want to succeed in whatever it is you want in life. There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure. Success is something that usually takes a lot of effort to get, but is worth it in the end.

Success is also something that is viewed differently in the eyes of everyone. This is because success means doing what you have always wanted to do, being where you have always wanted to be. If a man’s goal in life is to eventually get married to a good wife and have many happy children, and he accomplishes that, then he could view himself as having success. Success basically means being happy with what you are doing in life. Success is something that you have to want, not just "kind

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