Next, companies which might not be well-suited for this type of software are those companies from small to middle-sized companies. These companies have senior finance professionals and they concern about security and the lack of information and understanding about cloud technology which are the main reasons for organizations are staying away from cloud ERP. For the vast majority of businesses, modern commercial cloud applications provide exceptionally high levels of security, including data protection and back-up, and are usually more secure than the majority of on-premise
Next, companies which might not be well-suited for this type of software are those companies from small to middle-sized companies. These companies have senior finance professionals and they concern about security and the lack of information and understanding about cloud technology which are the main reasons for organizations are staying away from cloud ERP. For the vast majority of businesses, modern commercial cloud applications provide exceptionally high levels of security, including data protection and back-up, and are usually more secure than the majority of on-premise