Hitler’s consolidation between …show more content…
his appointment as chancellor came with the induction of his social and economic policies, these policies help rebuild a damaged and helpless Germany from the ground up. In the perspective that it was Hitler’s doing that helped Germany to recover from their economic down turn while reinforcing the positive image of the Führer and creating a socialist drive from the youth and social aspects of post Weimar Germany. Once in absolute power the first objective of the Nazi State was to stabilize the economy using the idea of a Wehrwirtzschaft or defence economy. Hitler’s intentions to stimulate a recovery and reimburse confidence in the German economy came with public work schemes of building houses, and motorways. Initiated in 1932 these would be paid for by the state. This eliminated the trade unions which was indeed apart of Hitler’s plan of economic recovery as the hiring for domestic servants saw an increase including work in the private sectors in Germany. Hitler also personally gained from the appointment of Hjalmar Schacht as the President of the Reich bank. Hjalmar decreased inflation for Germany and suspended Germanys debt repayments ultimately effecting unemployment figures and was most welcome by the German public reinforcing Hitler’s image as a fulfilling leader, this would also be shown with balancing the trade issues that Germany was facing during Republican rule. Using Schacht to negotiate trade agreements with Balkan states eliminated the use of foreign currency and helped to grow Germanys influence elsewhere. The Influential potential of Hitler’s ideals struck cord with the German youth as the creation of the Hitler youth and the German Maidens used to conscripting the young Germans to be ready for Military combat and be strong obedient servants of the Nazi Party. This was successful into reaching out to the younger generations whom we’re affected by the cultural change during the Weimar Republic era. The Nationalistic Views of the Nazi party were distinctively throughout the Youth groups including the traditional family values that Hitler himself wanted imbedded within the minds of the extremely enthusiastic and dedicated Students. These multiple successes in social and economic policies came together with Hitler’s introduction of the 4 year plan; to ready Germany for ‘inevitable war’ by 1939. Hitler used his role as Führer to remove Schacht and replace him with a more radical leader of economics which he saw in Herman Goering whom was told to make rearmament a priority and emphasis on retaining raw materials for the war effort. Hitler’s choice to remove Schacht was beneficial to Adolf as Goering was a extremely loyal subject whom understood Hitler’s plans for war and saw a more radical and cost effective way of maintaining Germany’s funds. While using the social impacts of the youth groups crated by Hitler to begin a ‘master race’ to populate Germany by the time the four year plan reached its climax. This meant with the trade unions abolished and the use of Hitler’s social and economic policies Hitler could maintain control over Germany with dynamic influence as his control over both policies was from his own judgement and ideals.
Controlling Germany after the governmental collapse and fallout of the early 1930’s created tensions between both left and right winged parties whom watched the Nazi party stand triumphantly over the pile of bodies leading to power. To maintain Hitler’s role in power the use of his police force or Gestapo and the SS terror instruments, led by Heinrich Himmler.
Hitler’s use of the Gestapo was to build a national terror for enemies of the Nazi Party to introduce fear mongering in the streets of Germany to supress the left and right winged attackers.
The Gestapo was also used to deliver threats to those who did not support the Nazi regime, promoting distrust among neighbours and families whom spoke or had differing opinions on Hitler’s actions and policies. This repression would be used by Himmler to find a solution to the Jewish problem while keeping surveillance on the German people. However Hitler’s role in Nazi Germany would assume absolute control with the induction of the Waffen SS; the reformation of the SA, using the less radical SS, Hitler had alleviated the threat of an internal attack which was a very important move by the Furher. By creating a personal army sworn to him Hitler could rat out any traitors or threats, this included with the backing of the Gestapo Hitler’s control over Germany via strength proved to be a major role in securing the position Hitler had taken in as Fuhrer of Germany, by showing the strength of the forces at his disposal Hitler proved to opponents that he could not be challenged. This reinforced the image of the leader that Germany so desired to have, In Adolf Hitler’s Germany the use totalitarian rule was the forefront of what the ideal ‘Germania’ would be like. The Nazi party’s 25 point plan included the censorship and removal of the freedom of speech from the media. Hitler realised the …show more content…
importance of the Radio and newspapers as a means to communicate with the masses. This was handled by Paul Goebbels whom controlled the propaganda within Nazi Germany he was also highly aware of the force that these media 's had and the level of influence that they had over the population. With Carefully planned radio broadcasts, rallies and films were used to convince the public that Hitler and the party had the overwhelming support of the masses. The news was engineered to show successes brought about by the parties policies and techniques such as subliminal messaging were used to 'brainwash ' the masses into a state of belief and hysteria. In effect all news, rumour and opinion within the state was produced or influenced by the Government, a classic sign of a totalitarian leader exerting his control. In which Hitler exerted perfectly to the extent that his role was justified by the people of Germany whom answered to Hitler and only him. With the use of the Gestapo, SS and Hitler’s totalitarian rule over the people of Nazi Germany he was able to establish not just a hold but an iron grip on Germany and its people, his role became justified as more than just a leader but a figure of almost ‘god like’ proportions that is consistently regurgitated to the public via propaganda. Hitler obtained the resources to control Germany with an iron fist but this was not his greatest strength.
It would be the Charismatic charm and appeal of Hitler that would captivate the millions of Germans throughout the country. The concept of an all-powerful and omniscient Fuhrer was built up by the Nazi Party under Goebbels direction. Hitler used his popularity to create an image that could be used to influence the German people. This would be known as the ‘Hitler Myth’ which used the weaknesses shown from the Republican era of Germany to Hitler’s advantage reinforcing the strong German tradition of authoritarian leadership that became so desired by the German public that by 1930’s 90 percent of the population admired Adolf Hitler and gave a strong emotional appeal of Hitler to the German public. Hitler capitalized on this by removing himself from daily life to maintain this ‘prestigious’ image of a tireless man working on hours on end to create a “perfect” Germany. As stated in The Hitler myth helped to connect a strong relationship between the German people and Hitler using the personification of the nation within Goebbels propaganda to fall in line with Hitler’s continuous successes after 1933. Hitler’s role in Nazi Germany would become not just the leader of Germany but Germany himself. With this Momentum Hitler was able to maintain Germany using the power of Propaganda and charisma to engage his listeners and also build a momentum of support to keep him as Furher
of Nazi Germany.
The role of Hitler is irreplaceable between the periods of 1933-1939 as the image of Nazi Germany was Hitler himself. This would have not been accomplished however without the co-operation of multiple factors and alliances within the Nazi Party. Hitler used the power of Charisma, Propaganda, strength and the influence of the trust Germany had in him to fulfil their wants and needs for a new leader this furthermore creating an ideal beginning for Hitler’s conquest of Europe and the climax of the Third Reich.
Bibliography http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/wiki/revision:hitler_-_weak_dictator_or_master_of_the_third_reich(online) http://hitlersingleptystate.wikispaces.com/Political,+economic,+social+and+religious+policies(online http://remember.org/guide/Facts.root.nazi.html(online) http://www.historytoday.com/ian-kershaw/hitler-myth(online)
Weimar & Nazi Germany John Hite, Christ Hinton (2000)
Political Violence and the Nazi seizure of power Richard Bessel