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Officers were expected to lead from the front. General George Washington at the time confronted using women in the war effort early in the Revolution. He needed to meet the demand for medical care for his soldiers, and he wanted to find useful employment for groups of women. The medical corps was authorized to employ one nurse for each 10 sick or wounded. The nurses were paid first paid two dollars per month and one daily ration, and by 1777, eight dollars per month and one daily ration. The significance of the contributions made by American women became increasingly apparent as the colonies struggled for their independence. The war gave some women the opportunity to demonstrate their capacity to take on responsibility (History Of Massachusetts). Women took charge of businesses and farms, defended their homes and neighborhoods in Maryland, gathered intelligence for the Patriots, served as maids and cooks for the Continental Army. Although most women were noncombatants, they were subjected to the consequences of war, including suffering, violence and death. The women who struggled to maintain their homesteads were raped by the enemy troops and