Tens of thousands of years ago, there were hardly any crops to go around. Men also know as (Nomads) had to hunt for food and look for other materials they needed. They travel in groups of 20 – 30 and spent most of their time hunting and gathering. This was hard to get by because the food sources were very limited. The Neolithic Revolution did a major change on the way people lived. The shift from hunting and gathering to agricultural led to permanent settlement, establishment of social classes and the final raise of civilization. The Neolithic Revolution is a major turning point in human history and still is. …show more content…
The geography of where the Inca lived was very harsh. They lived in and along the Andes Mountain range. The Incas built their houses and had their farm land on terraces on the mountain side and called their empire “Land of the Four Quarters.” The Inca land and soil is similar to United States. In the lower part of the mountains and their empire they had wetlands. Going down the mountain they had many rivers. The mountains were extremely steep, but they did have plateaus and terraces the soil which was sandy and hard to work with. Yet still they grew plants, veggies, and whatever else they needed to