The main goal of the Spanish Inquisition was to keep people in the Catholic community. After the corruptions were exposed, many …show more content…
The King and Queen were not happy and established to Spanish Inquisition. Numerous tactics were used to keep the people in line. Another idea was to develop economic support in Spain. Although it seems crazy to torture people into staying in the religion that’s already being accused of being corrupt, they did. And Inquisition continued to grow.
There were many schemes created to execute the plan. None of them are for the weak stomached. The least bloody of them all is the water torture. Where a cloth is placed over the accused’s head and water would be poured over the victims face. Then when they think the victim learned his lesson, they would take the cloth off and ask him again if he was guilty. The rack was pretty popular. In this strategy, the person who is charged is put on a rack and stretched and the arms and legs could