
What Were The Causes Of Great Britain Imperialism

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What Were The Causes Of Great Britain Imperialism
There where many countries in the world at the time that had began a new phase called Imperialism. Imperialism is a country expanding its borders and power while using military force to take over or imperialize weaker countries. One of the main countries doing much of the Imperial activity was Britain. Britain was the dominate power at the time, dominating over every other country that they matched up against.

Great Britain or England was the number one leader in imperialism and had many causes for it. This is backed up by Newsflash English Lessons when they say “At its peak the British Empire was the largest empire the world had ever known. It was said ‘the sun never sets on the British Empire’ because its span across the globe ensured that
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One cause for the British to colonize and spread out around the world was the fact that they were the most powerful and the most able to. Britain had the best military, best navigation, and best economy in the world. So, Great Britain set out in search for natural resources and get them with the use of any means necessary to could help their country make money. The British had a theory though about how they could go into the natives land and basically do whatever they want like strip them of their natural resources, use them as basically slaves of hard labor, and not give them anything for all they took and used the natives for. This theory was called Social Darwinism and like the Imperialism google slides shows Social Darwinism backed up the Britt’s because it explained how Social Darwinism is “predicted death for societies who did not compete in colonial race”. This shows that all the nasty things they did was ok because in the long run the countries needed to be involved in the colonizing so they were kept up with the developed countries pace. The justification that the British tried to use was unreasonable …show more content…
The colonized people were no match for the British and therefore were treated however the British wanted to treat them. Most of the time the natives were treated very bad as bad or if not worse than slaves. The Britain, Slavery and the Trade of Enslaved Africans guesses that the British took between 12 and 20 million natives were transported as slaves for the British. These slaves were not educated, this was done on purpose so that they couldn’t figure out what was going on. The British were smart also to with the way they colonized. One thing they did was play with the governments. Like the Imperialism google slides talked about, the British turned the two main tribes in Africa against one another so that they killed each other and then the British walked in after and took over everything. Finally, there was the fact that the native people never really became economically developed because they were treated as slaves and workers, never really given the technology to advance themselves until they became

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