
When Did The Industrial Revolution Begin

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When Did The Industrial Revolution Begin
The Industrial Revolution happened after the Agricultural Revolution had taken place. This advance in the farming communities had required less people to work the land. Therefore, there were more young people available to marry at younger ages, which lead to a population boom. In the mid -1700s the population in Britain was 5.7 million, by the end of the century the population increased to 8.7 million people. As a result, there was abundant of a raw resource and this was children. Just the raw material that industries needed to accomplish the Industrial Revolution. So, when does childhood begin and when does it begin? This is the question that the Industrial Revolution seeks to figure out and what was the investment that came out of this period. …show more content…
The orphans where the most vulnerable elements of society. These children as young as 6 years old, they were considered the “white slaves of Europe”. The government turned a blind eye to what the landowners and factory owners were doing to these children. Therefore, when the children signed up for work thinking that they could learn a trade to help them when they became adults. As a result, when a young apprentice named, Charles Bacon, age 13, stated that it was the “same in England, like America, bar the whip” as he was talking about slavery in Europe, no one in parliament batted an eye. Most children had no idea what they were signing up for, they believed the lie of good meals, learn a trade, and good working conditions when it was far from the truth. These children were the real life Oliver Twist’s. Although, even though the food may not have been great, the children were given regular meals, education, and they had a roof over their

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