A line manager directs the work of employees and makes sure decisions without consulting anyone. On the other hand, Senior Managers give the managers the authority to advise other managers or employees. They create staff authority functions to support, assist, advice, and to reduce some of the informational burdens that the line managers have. Line managers in many organizations also carry out activities that have traditionally fallen within the remit of HR such as providing coaching and guidance, undertaking performance appraisals and dealing with discipline and grievances. They also often carry out tasks such as recruitment and selection or pastoral care in conjunction with HR. Staff managers assist and advice line managers in accomplishing their basic goals. They do, however, need to work in partnership with each other to be successful. Line Managers have a huge part to play within the organization, ensuring that their department conforms to the overall objectives of the organization. Therefore, Line Managers could be looked at as the individuals within the organization who are required to be in agreement with the details of the job summary forms completed by its staff, which is discussed between the line managers, human resource managers and the staff. Also, use one 's detailed understanding of the jobs to check that they are portrayed reasonably and correctly, check that all staff have included all the pertinent requirements of their job, monitor absenteeism and time keeping. They also handle any conflicts within the department which may arise so that the source of the problem is dealt with immediately Within small organizations line managers and human resource managers are one of the same, whereas, in larger organizations the differentiation is made so that the human resource manager reports directly to the chief executive officer (CEO). As line managers, the role of managing people can be somewhat
References: Bates, S. (2002). Corporate Ethics Important to Today 's Job Seekers. HR Magazine, 47, 12. Bohlander, G. & Snell, S. (2003). Managing Human Resources 13e. United States of America: Thomson South-Western. Childers, D. & Marks, N. (2005). Ethics as a Strategy. Internal Auditor, 62, 34-38. Mondy, R. W. (2007). Human Resource Management 10th Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.