truth except for rare times like saving a life or even feelings. This shows that lying isn’t always bad in some cases. What I mean by this is that lying always bad because ist can save others in dangerous situations. So Lying can sometimes be used in a good way if the lie is justified and helping others in bad situations. Lying can also be justified if your trying to get out of a little trouble, for example, in article paragraph 11 it states “ when someone asks if they look fat you say something among the lines of “ you look fabulous” My cite supports my answer because it states how you can lie to get out of a little trouble.
But it's only justified if your not in a lot of trouble because then the lies aren’t justified. Additionally in article 1 paragraph 11 it states, “ lies are justified if your not in a lot of trouble but if it's really serious lies are not justified”. So lying can be ok if you're not using lies to get out of a lot of trouble. Lies are justified in some of the cases. Some people may argue that lying is not justified because lying can make somebody lose their trust for you. For example once a person finds out you lied, you lose currency in their eyes. This argument is wrong because if they really know you they will forgive you or understand that you weren't trying to hurt their feelings. In other words lying is justified when lives and feelings. This is important because I think lying can be good for keeping others out of harm. So clearly you can agree with me that lying can be ok if the lie is