There will be 3 groups per class. There will be 5-6 students per group at SL (12 F will have 2 groups of 6 and one group of 5 – we have 17 students and in 12 E there will be 2 groups of 5 and one groups of 6 – we have 16 students). Decide who will answer what aspect of the character/imagery/folklore associated or from that character. I would prefer you to create powerpoints or google docs so they can later be accessed by all your classmates. This will also link to your DNB – you can combine preparing for this major presentation by tracking/responding to/about your character in your DNB.
No group should last longer than 25 minutes.
For example for group 1: 1-2 people could answer - What type of person is Alejandro? What does he want from life/family and work? What is his perspective on the war? How does he change? Provide examples to support your answer. The 3rd and 4th students can answer how he perceives those around him, dividing the characters equally (Domingo, his father, his mother, Roderick, or some other character). Provide examples to support answer. The 5th and 6th student can focus on the animal imagery throughout the novel. If you are a group of 5 then have only one person focus on how he views the characters around him and narrow down to fewer/more important characters. Group 1: Alejandro. What type of person is Alejandro? What does he want from life/family/work? What is his perspective on the war? How does he change or grow? Provide examples to support your answer. You can do this buy make a list of the Alejando’s comments (by him or others) that answer the questions above. Next, how does Alejandro perceive those around him (you do not need to cover every character he interact with, think about the most important characters to him – make sure to track his relationship with these characters throughout the novel. Last, Discuss the animal imagery used throughout the novel. Both of these can be