For me, each year changes especially the fact that I’m a go-with-the-flow type of person. But if I had a vision, it’d be something like. 10 years from now I hope will be out of my day job, I have paid all my student loans back and I’m working and enjoying what I do online. Of course, the reasons we all want to work for ourselves is the luxury of being your own boss, the flexibility with your own schedule, etc. I want to be able to travel with just my laptop and still be able to make money anywhere I go. Who doesn’t want to just relax in Hawaii on a beach with your laptop and a mojito? See, I have all these thoughts and dreams on where I see myself every few years and although it may not happen exactly how I want, I’m still working on it. I make a list and every time I accomplish a goal, I cross it off and add a new one. I do that because I don’t want to settle for less, but more importantly, I don’t want to forget some of my goals. Again, some goals change but the general theme tends to stay the same. I may not see myself making millions but if I’m at a job that I can enjoy and appreciate then that’s a stepping stone. I may not see myself married but if I’m with a special person then you’ll continue to see a cheesy smile on my face. I may… well, you get the point, right?
If you have not thought about where you see yourself in 10 years, you should at least think about it, talk to a friend, do whatever. Because when it comes down to it, you have to think do the future at some