This eventually showed unsuccessful in moderating the well-entrenched defenders. On 19th July 1916 at 6pm, the 5th Australian and 61st British Divisions troops attacked and suffered severely from the hands of German machine gunners. The 8th and 14th Australian Brigades managed to take over minor portions of the German trenches, however exposed to violent counter attacks and lacking of nearby support, they were soon strained to withdraw. The battle of Fromelles ending at 8am on 20th July 1916, was recorded to have suffered a total loss of 5,533 In the 5th Australian Division and 1,547 sufferers in the 61st British Division. As to the Australians that were suffering from tremendous amounts of losses in one night; it was recorded to be the foulest 24hrs in Australia’s armed history. However, the German fatalities were little more than 1,000. Overall, the battle of Fromelles ended up being a complete disaster as the German troops comprehended within just a few hours that it was purely just a trick. Hence took negative effect in any way to the advancement of the Somme…
The Battle of the Somme took place during 1916 to take pressure off the French at Verdun and the Russians on the Eastern Front. The French were under heavy fire at Verdun and had been since February, and the army itself was close to cracking. The Russians had fought gallantly on the Eastern Front to try and avert the German Forces away from the Western Front. After launching many small offensives the Russians had gained very little ground for the amount of lives lost. This essay is going to explore; 1st Day of the Battle of the Somme, the Pals Battalions used during the Battle and the tactics developed after the Battle of the Somme was over. Each of these key areas contribute because the first day of the Battle of the Somme had the highest casualty rate the British Army had ever suffered, Pals Battalions were inexperienced in the art of battle, and the tactic used before the battle were inconclusive in helping with the battle overall.…
It covers many major battles on the Western Front during the First World War including the Battle of the Somme, the Battle of Cambrai, and the German offensive in the spring of 1918, dubbed “Operation Michael”. This constituted the last German effort to win the war.…
On the 1st July 1916, the battle of the Somme began. Sources A, D, E and F suggest that the Battle of The Somme wasn’t a total failure. However, Sources B and C suggest that the British underestimated the Germans and this was the cause of their massacre.…
As we have discussed and examined over the past two weeks of our seminar, John Keegan’s The Face of Battle explores warfare from the viewpoint of the common soldier by analyzing and comparing the three well-known battles of Agincourt, Waterloo and Somme. Keegan's three examinations of Agincourt, Waterloo and the Somme begin by analyzing the traditional outlines of events. Keegan then moves through the main phase of each battle, attempting to make sense of the major events, providing the frame and context necessary in order to begin considering the combatants: how the soldiers felt before the battle, what actually happened when the troops engaged, focusing-in on what these nuanced psycho-sociological details provide. Towards this monumental effort, while limiting much of his coverage largely to the first day of the offensive, Keegan was particularly focused revealing the brutality of the first day of Somme: “In all, the British had lost about 60,000, of whom 21,000 had been killed, most in the first hour of the attack, perhaps the first minutes" (Keegan, 1983). The conditions of the battle were so abhorrent, Keegan describes, with “long docile lines of young men, shoddily uniformed, heavily burdened, numbered about their necks, plodding forward across a featureless landscape to their own extermination" (1983).…
Though they won in the long run, the first day of the Battle of Somme was a major defeat for the British. Over 57,000 British soldiers died on the first day. According to George Coppard, hundreds of his fellow soldiers lay dead the morning after the attack. Many were caught in the barbed wire of the Germans trenches, leaving few survivors (Document B). The skillful thinking of the Germans saved them from facing a loss as grand as Britains.…
Source 1 is an extract from Sir Douglas Haig’s final dispatch, published in March 1919. This source begins to describe the Battle of the Somme as a tremendous victory. Haig claims that “The three main objectives… had been achieved.” Haig also then begins to describe the three objectives, “Verdun had been relieved…”, “German forces had been held down…” and “the enemy’s strength had been considerably worn down”. Haig also claims that as the objectives had been “achieved” this was enough to “…justify the Somme Battle.” This source was published shortly after the war in 1919, but was a few years after the Battle of the Somme allowing some time for the truth about the events of the battle to emerge. The source has some limitations as it was an extract from Haig’s own writing, who was Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces therefore the source may be bias towards Britain and their success in the battle. The purpose of the source was to inform people of Haig’s perception of the battle and due to this being one person’s view, the accuracy of the source cannot be verified.…
Field Marshal Douglas Haig was a British senior officer in World War One and commanded in the Battle of the Somme, which was arguably one of the bloodiest battles in British military history. Haig gained the title of the butcher of the Somme after the end of World War One, due to the indescribable amount of casualties and deaths that took place. One could say that Haig deserves the title because of the huge loss of life, his bad planning and repetition of bad tactics and the fact that he was completely out of touch with his soldiers. Some say he doesn’t because he was arguably the best the British had, no one knew how to fight in trench warfare and he pushed what was arguably the world's most powerful army off of French soil.…
General Sir Douglas Haig, British Commander-in-Chief on the western front, was not really ready to attack in mid-1916. He wanted to wait until later in the year and attack in Flanders (not the Somme). However, his hand was forced. In February 1916, the Germans attacked the French fortress of Verdun. The attack intensified for the next four months until there was a danger that Verdun would fall and the Germans would break through the French lines. The British and French governments decided that Haig would have to attack at the Somme in July. This would be the first major battle of the war for the British Army.…
World War One brought a variety of different turning points, both good and bad, which made Canada the nation it is today. One of these turning points includes the discrimination against the Ukrainians. At the time, Canada strongly encouraged immigrants from Eastern Europe to settle in Canada’s West. The British and Americans were most welcome however, under the new ‘open door’ policy, we were willing to accept Northern and Eastern Europeans; especially Ukrainians. Ukrainians were next desirable because they were known to be stronger, tougher, more skilled and used to the cold weather. By 1914, 170 000 Ukrainians lived in Canada. Many of them fled their country due to poor economic conditions and political domination of the Austrian-Hungarian…
In this essay I will be trying to answer the following question: ‘do you think General Haig was to blame for so many deaths in the battle of the Somme?’ Haig became General of the Army on the 10th of December 1915 at the age of 54. At the time, he appeared to be the best man for the job as he had led and won successful battles in his past. In 1916, he launched an attack. His attack took place near the Somme River, against the Germans. He won, but was it worth losing 420,000 people’s lives for the sake of a small piece of land? He certainly thought so. As a result of this, he earned himself the nickname ‘Butcher of the Somme’. There are reasons why he is to blame, and why he isn’t. I hope to cover both sides and conclude with my opinion.…
H.G Wells said, the Great War was supposed to be “the war to end all wars”; ironically enough a few years later a second world war broke out due to Germany feeling like the Treaty of Versailles treated them unfairly and the League of Nations having little to no power. World War II started on September 1. 1939 and ended nearly six years later on September 2, 1945. The war was long and bloody with nearly sixty million civilians and soldier casualties combined (according to There were five major turning points in World War II.…
Battle of Somme With over seven months of vigorous planning came one of the bloodiest battles in military history during World War I, known as the Battle of Somme. The four month Battle of Somme was the cause of over one million lives, endeavoring to conquer the Western Front between France and Germany. Among the amount of artillery shells intended to support the British, projected to be substantial in paving the way for ground troops to triumph over the enemy force. The battle, originally planned to be a quick and easy victory, turned to be a long and gruesome one. The lives sacrificed from The Battle of Somme generated new tactics, techniques, and procedures to follow throughout the war's end.…
The Battle of the Somme was important and crucial to the development of the First World War; and earmarked the final result of the War. Both the Allies and the Germans were extremely eager to make some achievement in order to boost the morale of the armed forces and the confidence of their own countrymen after a long period of stalemate in the various battle fronts. They were both prepared to exhaust all means to win over the other.…
Overall, World War I is credited with the title “The Great War” because of its long-term and immediate origins, overwhelming major battles, treaty that settled peace to the world, and aggravating consequences. Indeed, the Great War affected the world in different ways, including exposing the horrors on the battlefield and the worries at home. Most importantly, World War I created a sorrow and destructive environment that resulted from the fear of seeing so many…